3 Strategies to Help Boost Communication in Your Business
When it comes to being a small business, it’s not just about having a great product or having exceptional customer service, but it’s also about communication too. You need to communicate with suppliers (if you have those), employees, freelancers, customers, and whoever it is that plays some sort of role in your business; there needs to be communication for it.
Image Credit: Shamblen Studios
But with that said, since every business, no matter the industry, needs communication in some form or another, something else that needs to be pointed out is the fact that there’s always room for improvement. Just think about it: everybody is tied down to their phone nowadays, so to a degree, there is this expectation that you need to respond to people ASAP, and it’s essentially vice versa, too. So, with that said, how can you perfect your art of communication within your business? Well, here’s what you need to know!
Have a Team? Start Off With Regular Meetings!
If you’re at it alone, then you don’t really have meetings unless it’s with your client, but if you have a team, then it’s going to help a lot to get started with having meetings. Yes, no one actually likes meetings, but the reality is the fact that they actually get stuff done and bring a lot of clarity. In general, these are all about keeping everyone informed about company updates, projects, and goals. These meetings provide a forum for employees to ask questions, share ideas, and address concerns. But honestly, meetings only work if they have a purpose, so make sure these meetings are productive, concise, and focused on the most critical matters.
Get an Effective Communication Channel
This is something else if you have a team, even if it’s just an interior, freelancers, you name it. In general, it’s going to help to use one primary method of communication outside of calling or just regular texting. So, why is this? Well, it’s a mix for a few reasons, like getting everything organized and welcoming collaboration, but it’s ensuring that everyone just keeps to one platform for the easiest method of cross-communication amongst the parties.
Image Credit: Shamblen Studios
Nowadays, there are so many different types of communication channels to choose from, such as Slack and Teams, and nowadays, there are even more niche-focused ones, such as BuildOps for technicians. So, in general, just figure out what’s going to work best for your business and your team, and of course, make sure it’s easy to navigate, too.
Have a Culture of Feedback
One major issue that, sadly, so many businesses have is the fact that they state they want more communication and feedback but basically punish those who actually say what’s on their minds. Feedback, especially constructive criticism, never has to be a bad thing; in fact, you’re supposed to see it as a way to improve- it’s a good thing. Slowly, more companies are allowing not only their customers’ voices to be heard but their employees too. Think of Google, for instance; they have weekly forums where their employees can speak up about what’s on their minds. You want everyone to feel welcome to have opinions, and this culture of feedback is the best way to go.