Make Your Creative Dream Real with a Studio
Making your creative dream a reality might seem far away, but it really doesn’t take much to get started. Knowing your skills and having the will to learn more are good starts. It also helps to decide between going it alone or working with a team with the right connections in your niche.
Decide Between Home and an Office
Many creative businesses have begun in a basement, bedroom, or loft. These are the spaces where you can begin with the tools you need to get started. Computers, easels, and cleaning areas are just some of the amenities a studio may need. However, there may be a need to entertain clients and investors and utilize teams. In this case, you can check for spaces where you live, such as suitable investment property, for leasing or buying a safe and suitable place.
You can also check out websites such as Peerspace to find studio rentals near you. Here’s a photo of my studio that I rent out to other aspiring creative entrepreneurs! Image Credit: Shamblen Studios
Are You a Lone Wolf or Building a Team?
It isn’t always necessary to establish an office or a team in the creative industry. For example, as a photographer, you may offer shot services as well as professional Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom editing. These tasks can be done by a single person who is able to make a living. However, business expansion or certain arts will benefit from a team. Teams could help with client management, website and blog publishing, and marketing the business on social media.
Start Your Your Creative Dream Small
You are likely to fail if you try to run before you can walk. This is true of the creative industry and pretty much any other. In the UK alone, the failure rate of new small to medium startups is around 60%. And this is one reason why. With a smaller operation, you are privy to the time it takes to get a feel for the local industry and gain exposure. It’s also easier to manage the first vital clients and won’t take on too much work. It is the quality of the work, not the quantity.
Establish Close Relationships Early On
Relationships are vital when starting and moving forward. The first few clients can help launch your business just by word of mouth. Yet word of mouth is more powerful than ever when you consider social media. Making a good impression is always the way to go, and loyal clients will often be the people you turn to for more and more work. Work with clients for what they need and want. Doing this will establish a good working dynamic that can last for many years.
Image Credit: Amy Shamblen Creative
Work with Current Skills and Learn as You Go
You know the skills you have when you start a business, or you wouldn’t do it. So, you may be a print artist, a digital designer, or a photography master. But there are many more skills required to run a successful company. Organization, time management, and interpersonal skills are essential. Further, expanding your repertoire as you go will enhance the overall experience for clients as technology changes, such as offering 3D modeling and CAD designs as well.
You can begin at home or at an office to make your creative dreams real when building a studio. It is better to start small and expand as you go, all the while learning new and necessary skills.